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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away a mattress protector!

Protect A Bed

Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is giving away a mattress protector of your choice! This company makes a great line of protectors that will meet the needs of anyone. I love that these covers protect against so many elements. They protect against dust mite colonization, pet dander, pollen, mold, and allergens. Have kids? These covers are stain proof and protect your mattress from spills and bed wetting. Also, Protect A Bed makes a mattress encasement that is completely bed bug proof. If you have ever had the misfortune of dealing with bed bugs, then you know how important this is. Why spend hundreds of dollars on a mattress and not protect it? So if you want to win just click over to Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls and follow the entry rules. Good luck!


Good Golly Miss Blondie is giving away a Hoover cordless vacuum!

GoodGollyMissBlondie Hoover

I found another great giveaway today! Good Golly Miss Blondie is giving away a Hoover Platinum Cordless Stick Vacuum. This wonderful cleaning machine is lightweight and comes with a rechargeable battery. That's right, no more dragging a cord around while trying to clean. Also, this thing is really powerful! So if you want your chance to win click over to Good Golly Miss Blondie and just follow the entry rules. Good luck!


Monday, June 29, 2009

Meme Monday

Google Image Meme

Rules: Type the answer to the following questions into Google Image, then pick from the first page.

Age at my next birthday:


Place I'd like to travel:

Tokyo, Japan

Place I've been:


Favorite food:

Fried Zucchini

Place I was born:


Where I live:


Name of past pet:

My name:


Borrowed from Fairy Blog Mother


3 Kids and Us is giving away a Hoover Platinum Collection Carpet Cleaner!!!


This is an exciting giveaway! 3 Kids & Us is giving on reader a brand spankin' new Hoover Carpet Cleaner. Could you imagine having a brand new carpet cleaner? Who wouldn't use that? If you hurry you can still sneak in your entry. Just click over to her 3 Kids and Us and follow the entry rules for a chance to win. Good luck!


3 Kids and Us is giving 1 lucky reader the EarDoc!

Ear Doc

3 Kids and Us is giving away this nifty gadget. It's called the Ear Doc.
"Put simply, this hand held device transmits special vibration waves through the bone and the ear base to the middle ear and the Eustachian tube where they ease pressure and drain trapped fluid associated with ear aches and pains."
This works great for kiddos that have frequent ear infections or middle ear fluid. So click over to 3 Kids and Us and just follow the entry rules. This contest ends tonight. Good luck everyone!

Ear Doc


Top 10 Ways To Prepare For the Zombie Outbreak

Let's face it. When it comes to a zombie outbreak, it's not a question of "if" but a question of "when". We can't be completely sure of what type of zombies we're dealing with. However, it is certain that the time will come. If you're not prepared for the worst, you won't make it past the first day of infection. The following is a list of things you must do if you want to live.

1. Live on the second floor or higher.
There is a chance we will be dealing with zombies who can't climb up a flight of stairs. If this is the case, the obvious choice will be to hide out as high up as possible. If the zombies do have the ability to run and climb stairs the best alternative would be to hide somewhere only accessible by ladder. It is highly unlikely a zombie would have the coordination or patience to climb up hand over hand.

2. Always have a full tank of gas.
You never know when you might need to make a quick getaway to another town. You do not want to be stuck pumping gas at the local Exxon with packs of zombies stumbling around. Frankly, that's asking to be eaten.

3. Keep a loaded shotgun in your home within reach at all times.
If you don't have a gun of some sort you may want to invest. Zombies are a much bigger threat than your typical burglar. The quickest and easiest way to kill a zombie is with a clean shot through the brain.

4. Have a science lab at your disposal.
It sounds difficult, yes, but may be well worth it. We're almost completely certain that the outbreak will be caused by a highly infectious virus. Hey, somebody's got to come up with the anti-virus. Why shouldn't it be you? While you're at it you may want to brush up on your human biology.

5. Stock up on water and food.
Most importantly you're going to need to eat and drink plenty of water. A good rule of thumb is to have enough clean water and non-perishable food to last your family 72 hours. After that point you will have to take turns going to the super market. (Watch out for highly populated Wal-Mart and Costco stores.)

6. Have the supplies necessary to board up windows and doors.
Ideally you would want to use bricks and quick dry cement to block off windows. If these supplies aren't available use wood and roofing nails to completely cover all exits.

7. Be prepared to live off the land.
Alright, so it's been months and you're still alive. Congratulations! The stores are out of food and zombies have pitched camp right in the middle of town. It's time to start getting back to nature. You're going to need to know how to hunt and find shelter for yourself. I would recommend watching a few seasons of Man vs. Wild. Bear Grylls knows what's up.

8. Have something available to quietly pass the time.
One of the hardest things to overcome during an outbreak is boredom. You're going to get pretty anxious and stir crazy staying in one place for days on end. So you're going to need things to pass the time. However, you've got to keep a low profile. You don't want to advertise your whereabouts to the hungry flesh eaters outside your door. (Don't count on having electricity for very long. Chances are the power will cut out after only a couple days.)

9. Grab some outbreak attire.
Surprise, surprise T-shirts and tank tops are NOT bite proof. You're not Alice and won't get far fighting zombies in boots and a little red dress. Okay leather isn't zombie proof either but it will help some. If possible upgrade to Kevlar at some point along the way.

10. Get some target practice in from time to time.
Last but not least go to the gun range while there aren't zombies invading your home. A gun is of no use to you if you can't hit anything. You'll thank me later!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts is giving away a pair of Wee Squeak sandals!

A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts Image Hosted by

Over at A Kindred Spirit's Thoughts there is a giveaway for a pair of Wee Squeak shoes. These shoes are adorable and a must have for your little one. One lucky reader will win a pair of turquoise sandals in a size 6. All you have to do is click over to her page and follow the entry rules. The giveaway ends tonight. Good luck everyone!

Image Hosted by


Billy Mays found dead in Florida home...

Man, what has been going on lately? Recent celebrity deaths include Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Ed MCMahon, and now Billy Mays. It looks as if Billy Mays was found unresponsive this morning in his home. The cause of death will be released sometime tomorrow. I will miss this guy! I loved all of his commercials. He got me really excited about laundry detergent, cleaning products, & that thing that digs up dirt in your yard. I always figured that one day he would be promoting at least half of the products in America ... and Japan ... and Europe.

Anyway, Billy Mays you and your sales pitches will be missed!


My Organized Chaos is giving away a Keurig Platinum Brewing System!

My Organized Chaos Keurig

Yes, that's right My Organized Chaos is giving one very lucky reader a Keurig Platinum Brewer. I don't know about you, but I would LOVE to own one of these! All you have to do click over to her blog and follow the entry rules. Good luck everyone!


PRD ... It's Not Your Grandma's Website!

As I said before I love DIY. Whether it's making your own stencils or screen printing your own T-shirts, I love it. The only problem is I hate frills and flowers. I absolutely can't stand Martha Stewart. And the cover of Home & Garden in no way reflects any part of my home. That's why I was so excited to come across Punk Rock Domestics! In this community you can learn & share new DIY decorating and fashion tips. Need some tasty vegetarian or vegan recipes? You'll find plenty here. So if you're not already, go become a member of the Punk Rock Domestics message board. It's free! Tips & tricks really don't come cheaper than that!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Testing ... Testing ... One, Two, Three...

Alright, I've been putting off writing this first blog for a few days now. You only get one first impression, and I guess you could say this is mine!

I'm a twenty-something college student giving online writing a try. Nope, I'm not married and I don't have any kids ... Not yet anyway! I'm opinionated and don't have a problem being honest about things. I guess my ultimate goal with this blog is to review products and let you guys know all about them. I'm also a huge movie buff so look forward to some movie reviews (new & old). Also I've grown very fond of DIY. Why pay more when you can do it yourself for less? I hope this blog is helpful to some of you out there. If all else fails, I hope you have fun reading it!


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