Friday, July 31, 2009
Pet Stains: The Losing Battle

If you have a dog or any other furry critter then you know pets are messy. No, pets are extremely messy. Taking care of a house with multiple dogs has been a huge challenge. It feels like they are constantly trying to ruin something in the house. You turn your back for one minute and the carpet behind the sofa is missing and someone has urinated under the dining room table. So, needless to say, I have tried about a hundred different cleaning products in an effort to keep up with these mutts. I use these products more than I’d like to admit to anyone I know! For a long time I felt like I might as well just not have carpet ever again. To make matters worse I live in an apartment. Which means I can’t afford to ruin ANYTHING in my own home. Trying to take care of this carpet has just about given me an ulcer. No joke.
Well, in the past months I have fallen head over heals for Bissell cleaning products. They make cleaning up soooo much faster. If the products you use now don’t work then keep reading.

The Pet Hair Eraser Vacuum works really well. I would highly recommend it. I love that there’s no vacuum bag. It saves me loads of money and it’s really easy to just empty all that gross stuff into the trash can. The only think that needs to be replaced is the Hepa filter (about $10) and I’ve only had to replace it once in the year and a half I’ve had the thing. Plus it has this great little bar that flips down in the front to collect extra pet hair. I don’t really have to use it but it’s great for dogs with longer hair. The only thing that I’m not crazy about is the attachments. I’ve used them on my couches and I really wasn’t that impressed. They just don’t work that well.

I also use the Bissell Quick Steamer with Bissell pet stain cleaners. The steam cleaner is perfect for my home because it’s simple and compact. You simply put a little formula and water in the top tank and you’re ready to go. This little machine is also really powerful! The first time you use it you will be astounded (and thoroughly grossed out) at how much nasty dirt comes out of the carpet.
Okay, in the past couple of years I have come up with my own carpet cleaning ritual. I’m not crazy, just a little OCD.
-First vacuum everything very thoroughly. This is so carpet fuzz and large objects don’t clog up the steamer.
-Then it’s time for a once over with the steam cleaner. When filling up the tank use just a tiny bit of the formula. If you use too much you end up with crap left in your carpet.
-After you’ve finished going over everything once, inspect the carpet for any pet stains. (For this next part you’ll need the pet stain spray AND a spray bottle full of plain water.)
For pet stains: First spray the stain with water. Then cover the entire stain with the pet spray. Then spray again lightly with the water bottle. Let the stain sit for about ten minutes. The reason I use the water bottle is because it’s important to keep the stain wet in order for it to lift from the carpet. If the stain dries out it won’t come out completely.
-After treating any stains, steam clean the carpet with water only. Doing this will remove any cleaning chemicals left in the carpet.
Depending on how dirty your carpet is, you may have to steam clean it again using water only. You carpet isn’t completely clean until the water you empty out is almost clear!
*Another thing to keep in mind if you have pets: If you do not remove all of the odor from pet stains in carpet, the animal will keep messing in the same spot! Their noses are much more sensitive than ours and they like to claim their property.
*Bissell photos from

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Win It Wednesday!

If you have any giveaways running right now feel free to link them here. Link as many as you want! Make sure you leave your blog name, the item being given away, the giveaway end date & a direct link to the giveaway. After you've posted your giveaways be sure to follow my blog so that you can post your giveaways every Wednesday.
Good luck everyone!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Enroll at the University of Andy today!

Are you depressed? Feeling lost? Are you just not happy with your life as it is? Well then it's time for you to enroll in the University of Andy! Here you can learn real skills to use in real life. Founder and professor Andy Botwin uses his extensive knowledge of important subjects to help build lives.

"The University of Andy's mission is to extend life's lessons beyond the classroom and into what is called "the real world." Whether it's interning at the local liquor store, writing for the University of Andy Chronicle, or dabbling in the porn industry, students are discouraged from making a difference in other people's lives and encouraged to make a difference in their own."
Just go to the University of Andy website and check out the classes and school store. You can also enroll and get your own student ID!
Walker, Christine
Surviving the Apocalypse
Holding Your Liquor
Here's just one of the many classes offered...

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Harry Potter Fever is Spreading!
In light of the new Harry Potter movie, I figured I'd leave you with these pictures. The Harry Potter fans are taking over!

602,000 matchsticks!!!
People get so kooky when new books and movies come out.

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Monday, July 20, 2009
Movies I'm Looking Forward To In 2009
Funny People - 7/31/09
This movie looks like it could be pretty good. Really I'm looking forward the the cameos and one-liners. There are a lot of actors that I like in this movie, too. Seth Rogen, Leslie Mann, and Jonah Hill are together again for this film. And this guy Ken Jeong has been in EVERYTHING lately and he's always hilarious. Lately I've seen him in The Hangover, Role Models, Knocked Up, and Step Brothers ... All really good movies. He's never the main character but he's always got his own side plot.
District 9 - 8/14/09
Alright, I don't usually go for alien invasion type movie. Typically alien movies are poorly filmed and just end up looking cheesy. However, this movie really sparked my interest. I like how the trailer leaves you hanging. It keeps you guessing and really makes you want to see what the hell is going on. I just hope this movie lives up to all of the hype it's created.
9 - 9/9/09
I'm a big Tim Burton. However, when Tim Burton is affiliated with a film he tends to overshadow anyone else that works on the film. If I spent years directing a feature film and producer Tim Burton got all the credit I'd be pretty pissed. With that aside this movie looks like it could be pretty entertaining. I've read a lot of mixed feelings about it. Apparently it's not quite up to snuff for some people's expectations. Honestly, that's to be expected. Tim Burton's work is held at very high level. If die hard fans feel this standard is not met you can bet someone's going to bitch about it. If I end up seeing it in theaters then that's great. If I have to wait to rent it from the Redbox, well then so be it.
Zombieland - 10/9/09
Hell yeah, it's another zombie movie! Zombie movies are what I live for. Even if this was the worst reviewed movie in the history of movies, I would still have to see it. As a bonus it's a zombie comedy! You'll notice in the trailer that the zombies can run. If you've ever been paranoid about the zombie apocalypse you can agree with me that running zombies are the worst kind of zombies. I'm always excited to see someone's cinematic view on the undead.
Couples Retreat - 10/9/09
Again, lots of funny people in this movie. (Ken Jeong is in this one too!) This looks to be a romantic comedy about the trials and tribulations of being in a long term relationship. Maybe it's just me, but my opinion of couples movies seems to hinge on my current romantic status. When I'm in a relationship romantic comedies are funny and cute because that stuff happens to us and blah, blah, blah. So if you're single maybe go see Zombieland instead? Hey, it's your call.
Where the Wild Things Are - 10/16/09
Who can forget this timeless childhood story? Okay, I don't really remember what happens in the book, but I'm almost sure that I really liked it. This movie seemss like it's going to be fun, cute, and heartwarming. It looks like the type of movie that both kids and adults can enjoy. It's not like one of those mind numbing cartoons that leaves you wanting to pull your hair out.
2012 - 11/13/09
December 21, 2012 is the date Earth will take a cataclysmic turn. Well, that's what "they" say anyway. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm really glad that they're making this movie. Just from watching the trailer it looks amazing. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the mass panic and ritual suicides. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
New Moon - 11/20/09
I'm not the biggest Twilight fan but I have to admit that this is my new movie saga addiction. I don't know if I'll read the books but I will definitely go see the second movie! No, I'm not going to see Robert Pattinson ... or Taylor Lautner with his shirt off. You know what, don't judge me.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Brüno Movie Review

"How cool is Jesus? Is he cooler than the Backstreet boys?"

Verdict: Go see it in theaters while you still can!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Babes & Kids is giving away a Crane humidifier!

Babes & Kids is giving away a Crane humidifier! These work great if you live somewhere with a really dry climate. They also help sore throats, coughs, dry skin or eyes, and plugged sinuses. Plus they come in an array of really cute designs. So if you too would like to win one of these click over to Babes & Kids and just follow the entry rules. Good Luck!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
The 10 Worst Dork Tattoos
10. You can't mix Nintendo and Star Wars. Period.
9. Nothing says "I love RPG" more than getting Lvl Up across your tits.
8. If he ever forgets his html code he'll always have a cheat sheet on him.
7. The force is not strong with this one.
6. After he saw this the next morning, he wished he had a DeLorean too.
5. This is not logical.
4. The Kanomi Codes belongs on the NES not your stomach.
3. The largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world wouldn’t hand out tattoos like this.
2. It’s bad enough that people don’t type complete sentences anymore. The English language has gone to shit.
1. Is it a Tetris screen shot or one of the mooninites from Aqua Teen Hunger Force? You decide.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sneak Peek: Alice in Wonderland!

Director Tim Burton has teamed up with Walt Disney again to produce an amazing new Alice in Wonderland. However, this is not a remake of the 1951 classic. Tim Burton's new movie is a sequel to the first two books by Lewis Carroll. Burton draws some inspiration from the original illustrations. Of course, Burton has added his own dark and somewhat psychotic spin on things. Over all the movie seems to have a twisted Victorian theme to it.
The movie begins when seventeen year old Alice Kingsley attends a party full of high society snobs. She soon learns that someone is proposing to her in front of the entire party. She runs off and again follows the white rabbit down a hole of mystery and uncertainty. It has been a decade since her last visit to wonderland and she has no recollection of the previous trip. I wonder what trials she will be faced with this time...

The movie will also be released in 3D.