Search & Win

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Funny


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Win It Wednesday!

If you have any giveaways running right now feel free to link them here. Link as many as you want! Make sure you leave your blog name, the item being given away, the giveaway end date & a direct link to the giveaway. After you've posted your giveaways be sure to follow my blog so that you can post your giveaways every Wednesday.

Good luck everyone!


Wordless Wednesday - Awesome Cakes


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pardon the mess...

You can still enter to win Saving Grace Season 2 on DVD!
The giveaway ends Wednesday 9/2 so hurry!


Thursday, August 20, 2009


First of all, thank you everyone for entering my very first blog giveaway! Out of 187 entries number 28 was chosen at random.

Kim said... "twitter follower- kgail11"

Congratulations Kim! I'm sending you an email right now. You have 48 hours to send back your shipping information.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - RIP Katerina


Win it Wednesday!

If you have any giveaways running right now feel free to link them here. Link as many as you want! Make sure you leave your blog name, the item being given away, the giveaway end date & a direct link to the giveaway. After you've posted your giveaways be sure to follow my blog so that you can post your giveaways every Wednesday.

Good luck everyone!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

List Your Giveaways

You can list all of your giveaways on the best sites around the web right here!

If your site also lists or promotes giveaways and you would like to be added to this post, just email me and I'll list your site.










Entrecard List


Dropping cards just got a hell of a lot easier. Instead of searching all over the internet, you can come back here to drop your Entrecard at multiple sites. Don't know what Entrecard is? Well click the banner up top and check it out. It's a great way to network and increase traffic to your site. Don't see your blog linked below? No problem. Drop me and email with your blog name and a link and I'll post your blog with the rest.


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Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Funny


Walmart Gift Card Giveaway at the Consumer Queen Blog!

Consumer Queen Nestle

Consumer Queen is hosting the Nestle Back to School Giveaway. One lucky reader will receive a $500 Walmart gift card! I don't about you guys, but I could really use that. All you have to do is click over to the Consumer Queen blog and follow the entry rules. It's that easy. Good luck everyone!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saving Grace Season Two DVD Giveaway!

***This Contest Is Closed!***

"Hard-edged police detective Grace Hanadarko is certainly no angel, but she has one on her shoulder. Academy Award Winner Holly Hunter returns as Grace, a no-nonsense cop whose fierce dedication to her job belies her self-destructive lifestyle. Taking on kidnapping, homicides, and the dark specter of the Oklahoma City bombing, Grace receives celestial guidance from a gruff guardian angel who may be her last chance for salvation. meanwhile, Ham, Grace's partner and sometime lover, faces a staggering crisis that threatens his job, his relationships, and even his life. Dramatically engaging, darkly funn, and emotionally gripping, Saving Grace is television at its most transcendent - don't miss it!"

MANDATORY ENTRY: All you have to do is follow my blog and leave a comment saying that you do. (This can be done by clicking the button on the Google Friend Connect widget.) It’s just that simple! ---This entry must be done for all other entries to count.

This blog is brand new so you get lots of extra entries! (Please leave a separate comment for each entry.) Do all of them or none of them. It’s totally up to you.
  • Follow my networked blog using the widget on my sidebar
  • Subscribe to my blog via RSS feed
  • Subscribe to my blog via email and confirm your subscription
  • Follow @TattooedDork on Twitter
  • Tweet about this giveaway (you can do this once per day) and leave a link to your tweet (you can copy and paste!)

"RT @TattooedDork Win the Complete Second Season of Saving Grace on DVD! Ends 9/2"

  • Add my button to your blog and leave a link back to it
  • Digg my blog and leave your ID or profile link
  • Bookmark my blog on Delicious and leave your ID or profile link
  • Add my blog to your Technorati favorites and leave your ID or profile link
  • Stumble this post and leave your ID or profile link
  • Become a fan on Facebook
  • Drop your Entrecard
  • Blog about this giveaway (including a link back to this giveaway) and leave a link to your post (5 separate entries)

That’s 18 possible entries!

Make sure an email address is accessible from your entries so that I can contact you if you win.

This contest is open to residents of the US eighteen and up only. The contest will end Wednesday September 2, 2009 at 11:59 pm CST. The winner will be chosen at random using

Click here to view the complete list of rules and guidelines.

Good luck!

This review/giveaway is NOT being sponsored by any company.

I have purchased this product on my own behalf.



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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Win It Wednesday!

If you have any giveaways running right now feel free to link them here. Link as many as you want! Make sure you leave your blog name, the item being given away, the giveaway end date & a direct link to the giveaway. After you've posted your giveaways be sure to follow my blog so that you can post your giveaways every Wednesday.

Good luck everyone!


Wordless Wednesday - Blast From the Past


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Help Fight Ovarian Cancer!

Kelly Confidential

"Electrolux and Kelly Ripa are proud to support the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund whose mission is to fund research to find a method of early detection and ultimately a cure for Ovarian Cancer. Electrolux has committed to donate $500,000 to this worthy cause.

*As part of its lemonade stand campaign, for each stand opened, Electrolux will donate $1 to OCRF (with a minimum of 10k and a maximum of 15k)."

Plus, when you open your own lemonade stand you will be entered for a chance to win a new French Door Refrigerator from Electrolux.

In addition, virtual glasses of lemonade can be sold to raise even more money! The latest lemonade flavor offered is Bronson van Wyck's Watermelon/Berry Lemonade. So please click the button below and donate to support this cause. Any amount, large or small, brings us one step closer to finding a cure for ovarian cancer.

Get Cool For A Cause With Kelly


Monday, August 10, 2009

You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry

Some things lately that just piss me off...

  • People who drive down the highway with a loose dog in the back up their pick up.
  • When we're sitting in a nearly empty movie theater and people sit in the seats either right in front of us or two seats to the left of us. Out of 500 seats why?!
  • When you're standing in a checkout line and the asshole behind you is practically six inches behind you. ---You moving forward does NOT make the line go faster!
  • Anyone who tailgates me on the road. If you don't like the speed I'm going, then go around!
  • The parking meter Nazis giving out $20 tickets every 5 minutes.
  • A gazillion emails letting me know that I've won the UK lottery and I can make my penis bigger.
  • Never getting paid enough, but just enough to keep me crawling back for more.
  • When someone eats all of the food left over and then puts the empty container back in the fridge.
  • When college kids do stupid things in horror flicks.
  • $30 over draft fee for going over less than a dollar.
  • People who give judgmental stares. Mind your own damn business.
  • Hour long infomercials after 2 o’ clock in the morning.
  • Parents who don’t watch their kids in the parking lot.
  • When technology doesn’t work.
  • Not having enough money 90% of the time.
  • That I have word salad all of the time. I can’t go an entire conversation without mixing up some words.
  • Shaving.
  • The fact that someone who gets caught selling pot on the side can spend more time in jail than a cold blooded murderer.
  • commercials.
  • My dog is almost 3 and still pisses in the house.
  • Christmas in July.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday 9 - On Broadway

Saturday 9

1. Have you ever seen a Broadway play? If yes what and when?
Yeah, I've seen a few. I remember seeing Cats, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King (that one was really good).

2. Tell us about one strange event in your life this week.
My fiance who hates TV (because it rots your brain and is horrible blah blah blah) signed up for cable two days ago.

3. Have you ever lied to "get the guy/gal"?
If you have to lie to get a guy then you shouldn't be with them in the first place.

4. Tell us about your best friend.
We could have an entire conversation consisting only of movie/TV quotes.

5. What was the best vacation that you ever had?
My favorite vacation was a seven day Caribbean cruise in the Virgin Islands. So much fun and so much good food!

6. What was the last big purchase you made?
Hah, I can't even remember. It's been Ramen and mac & cheese for the past few months.

7. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink and when did you start drinking it?
Strawberry daiquiris are delicious with or without booze!

8. When was the last time someone did not believe you?
Probably yesterday. My fiance is an all knowing super being who couldn't possibly be wrong. :)

9. You have signed on to direct a romantic comedy. Who are your stars?
Hmmm ... I guess I'd go with Zooey Deschanel and Jason Schwartzman.


Friday Funny

Dedicated those poor souls going back to school.


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